After this trainwreck of a week, thought I'd look back to the march last Saturday. Multiple times I had to hold back tears, seeing men and women of all ages and backgrounds united in support of one another. Durkheim had a phrase for this: "collective effervescence." Yeah, it was almost spiritual - and it represented the best of humanity. We are our best when we unite to support one another.
While I'll participate in as many of these as possible, please also consider all the marches that we should have, but won't. Don't forget your many diverse neighbors who may need reassurance.
For now, I'm going to let the powerful feelings of unity from last week continue to propel me forward. Go out and do good work, people.
March in Seattle, 2017/01/21
*For the record, I went to protest Milo Yiannopolous at UW. Feelings of unity, not so much. Someone took a bullet. Hard to paint a pretty picture about that.